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Regional Healthcare Leaders Discuss Lessons Learned – COVID-19

In this program these executive leaders will discuss their approaches & experiences about the COVID-19 Pandemic in four Florida counties that include the following:

  • How they went about accessing the depth and breath of the Pandemic crisis

  • What were the various rollouts in dealing with the crisis

  • How did they coordinate their responses with the state and other counties and their own county healthcare facilities

  • How did they coordinate the reporting of county activities to the state and federal agencies

  • Looking back what would they have done differently

1.5 Qualified Education Credits Avaliable.

Moderator: Mary C Mayhew, President & CEO, Florida Hospital Association


  • Richard Rothman, MD

    Regional Institute Chair for Hospital Medicine

    Cleveland Clinic Florida

  • Brian Connor, FACHE, RRT-NPS, RRT-ACCS, C-NPT

    Chief Operating Officer – Outpatient & Wellness Services

    Health First

  • Phyliss Baum

    Chief Quality & Patient Safety Officer

    UF Health Central Florida

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